Adele Pound, Drawing, Humour, Imagination, Wildlife Art and Stories

Up Coming Events:

Paper Bird Making Workshop at the Craft Room, Newtownards

Tuesday 6 August 10am – 12pm

To book email the Craft Room at: [email protected]

Paper Bird Making Creative Cafe at Castle Espie.

Thursday 8 August ​10am – 12.30pm

Tickets from Creative Peninsula Ireland Website

Cover art: Maria Horvathova

Promotional image by Boom Studios for their 10th anniversary Exhibition

Boom Studios 10th Anniversary Exhibition 1 – 31 July 24

Ten artists with ten pieces each to celebrate Boom Studio’s 10th Birthday at The Gallery Whitehead

Official opening Saturday 6 July 6pm

Image sample by Carla Hodgson

Adele Pound, Wildlife Artist

I originally studied fine art, painting at Winchester School of Art. There my tutors were dismayed by my insistence on making wildlife art. Despite their best efforts, I stubbornly continued to make the natural world my inspiration. Many years have passed since then, and, while much has changed about my art practice, wildlife remains central, specifically the discipline of drawing from life.


This observational drawing in the field fulfils many functions for my work. Firstly there is the challenge of attempting to create a finished piece in the field. The success or failure of this depends on many things outside of my control, such as wind, rain, cold, heat (sometimes!) and the frustrating habit of wildlife refusing to sit still, or even leaving the scene altogether. Suffice to say my strike rate is not high, but I keep trying!


The time I spend watching and drawing birds and other animals, also gives me ideas for stories I can tell. Sometimes little scenarios play out while I am watching. Other times, I elaborate on what I have seen. Sometimes I plunge into research to produce longer stories such as ‘Shearwater’. I love the way that I can simplify in cartoons, putting less into each panel, yet still tell you more by the end than I can in a single painting.

Paper Creations

This urge to simplify goes even further in my paper art creations and vector drawings. My paper engineering and digital drawing skills are self taught, so each design is a learning curve, as I feel my way forward, looking for an elegant solution within the design process. It is the careful observation while drawing in the field that enables Immediately recognisable species to be depicted through the use of simple shapes and colours.

I hope you find something here to entertain or make you smile.

Here are a few shops where you can track down my work:

logo for Craft NI Makers Directory
Logo of Society of Wildlife Artists