Happy New Year
Happy New Year!
I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas break. As life returns to normal, I am gradually emerging and turning my attention to the year ahead in my usual haphazard and unplanned way. As always, there is plenty to be getting on with.
The new year has started rather well with my paper wasp nest being accepted into the Royal West of England Academy Open exhibition, which has the theme “Paper Works”. It is also an excuse for me to book a short trip to Bristol to attend the private view and see how others have interpreted the theme. Bob, of course, is delighted to hear that another trip is being planned!

Getting my drawing head back on again
Despite the cold and wet weather, I have managed one trip to the beach with my paints. This black headed gull was paddling furiously to try and coax a snack or two out of the wet sand. And a heron stood stately in the shallows.
The Society of Wildlife Artists have an exhibition in April, but the deadline for me to send my list of pieces is next week.

Getting my comic drawing head back on again!
I will also be starting work on a new cartoon for the LD Comics online comic fair. That will be for another post as the fair isn’t until July. However, the first deadline to have something to show for myself is the end of February so I need to crack on with it! Watch this space.
Upcoming Workshops
Closer to home, the winter and spring is all about workshops with three coming up in the next few months. read on for more details, and please feel free to forward to any friends you think might be interested!

Winter Paper Bird workshop at Rowallane Gardens
My first workshop of the year will be at Rowallane Gardens National Trust. We will be making Robins and Bullfinches to bring a little bit of colour to the dark wintery days.
Saturday 18 January
10.30am – 12.30pm
Rowallane Gardens, Crossgar Road, Saintfield, Ballynahinch, BT24 7LH
The cost of the workshop includes entry to the gardens, so fingers crossed for a nice day for making birds in the morning followed by enjoying an afternoon in nature!

Paper Bird Workshop at the Craft Room
In February I will be back at The Craft Room in Newtownards for another workshop. By then we will be looking forward to the spring, so I thought we would make great tits and coal tits, two of the first to start singing, so we will also have a go at learning the songs.
Saturday 15 February
10am – 12pm
The Craft Room 24a Frances Street, Newtownards, BT23 7DN
Tea and coffee will be available to keep you going!

Paper Bird Workshop at Aghalee Village Hall
My final workshop of this spring is a bit further a field in Aghalee Village Hall. If you are in that area, or willing to travel this is a great opportunity. The cost is very low as this workshop is subsidised with funding obtained by the local group to deliver a program of art and craft activities to the community.
Saturday 29 March
2pm – 4pm
Aghalee Village Hall, 6 Lurgan Road, Aghalee, Craigavon, BT67 0DD
if you are interested, please email [email protected] and leave your name and number. They will get back to you as soon as they can.